For diver training and equipment testing, HAUX-LIFE-SUPPORT designs and builds complex diving simulators that recreate the conditions of depths of up to 600 m. Alongside the pressure chamber system itself, we offer extensive peripheral equipment, e.g. life support systems, gas storage systems, systems for gas mixing and processing, water handling as well as system control and medical technology accessories, and much more.
Among other projects, HAUX has produced the diving simulator HYDRA 2000 for the German navy, MEDUSA for the Royal Netherlands Navy, HYDRA 2500 for the Greek navy, HYDRA 1000 for the Hong Kong fire brigade and DIVESTAR 160 for the Swedish Royal Navy. This unrivaled wealth of experience allows us to offer an extraordinary range of services in this specialized field.
The high flexibility offered by the installation of HAUX components in existing diving simulators has been demonstrated by such projects as the refitting of the diving simulator for the German Life Saving Association (DLRG) in Berlin.
HAUX-LIFE-SUPPORT Builds Large Pressure Chamber Complex for Swedish Naval School in Karlskrona
This pressure chamber simulates dives of depths up to 160 m and permits safe training under pressurized conditions, such as those found in underwater rescue operations in offshore areas.